Trademark Q3 2024 updates, data at a glance

Trends in First Action Pendency at the USPTO

As many may be familiar with, in recent years trademark pendency times at the USPTO have rapidly increased, with the average first action pendency time in Q1-Q4 of 2023 reaching over 8 months. The USPTO attributes this increase in pendency times primarily to the fact that it expected a slowdown in patent and trademark filings in 2020 and 2021 during the COVID pandemic (and so adjusted hiring targets downward), while actually seeing a substantial increase in trademark filings (as more people started their own companies or launched new products based on new and different opportunities for e-commerce and remote work).

The trend that has led to a near-quadrupling of pendency times started in Q4 2020, with the average pendency time for most of 2019-2020 being consistently around 2.5 to 3 months, as can be seen in the graph below.


Average First Action Pendency Q3 2019 – Q2 2022

After Q4 2020 first action pendency began to increase markedly, reaching an average time of 7.7 months in Q2 2022 and then further increasing to a height of 8.5 months in Q2 2023.


Average First Action Pendency Q4 2021 – Q3 2024

In 2024, it seems that the USPTO has begun to be able to clear this “inherited backlog,” with Q3 2024 being the first time first action pendency has dropped below 8 months since Q2 2022.


Year to Date New Applications and Registrations

So far this year, there have been 338,915 new registrations and 564,474 new applications filed across all classes, which is an increase in 2.9% from filings in the same time period of 2023.

Applications in each quarter of the year have slightly increased from the low point in filings that occurred in 2023, though they still remain less than filings in 2021 and 2022.

Overall, the increase in pendency and decrease in filings from the last two years appears to be reversing course, though it remains to be seen whether either trend will continue back to pre-pandemic norms.  Maier & Maier includes experienced trademark counsel who can help with trademark filings and strategies based on the newest data and trends.

Category: Firm News, General, Insights