Iancu: “Much More Work Needs To Be Done” On Section 101

At the 10th Annual Patent Law & Policy Conference late last month, USPTO Director Iancu announced that more USPTO guidance on Section 101 was forthcoming. As he explains, “the USPTO plans to issue guidance to help our examiners and applicants who struggle with these issues every single day”. Throughout his address, he focused on a few primary themes that will likely be reflected in the future guidance and bare taking note of moving forward.

First, he highlighted the importance of gaining clarity on §101 eligibility.  Citing to both historical records from James Madison and recent decisions from several Federal Circuit Judges, Iancu set out his goals for people to be able to understand the laws and predict outcomes. As he notes, “[F]or the IP system to work as intended, we must ensure that our laws are clear and that the IP rights we issue are predictable, reliable, and of high quality.”

Second, he emphasized the need to “keep invalidity rejections in their own lanes”. Lauding the Patent Act of 1952, Iancu praised the separation of rejections for applications as being not novel, as being obvious, or as being indefinite or too broad to be fully enabled, which were clearly laid out as separate in the text of the statute. Per his address, “The genius of the 1952 Patent Act was that it clearly categorized the conditions for patentability, in addition to and separate from the categories of invention.”

Finally, he explains that the judicial exceptions to 101 eligibility should be applied in a limited manner, specifying that “the judicial exceptions should address categories of subject matter that are not eligible per se, or on their own, no matter how inventive or well-claimed they are.” This limits the application of 101 to things that the Supreme Court has declared ineligible even if they satisfy every other requirement perfectly.

In addition to natural phenomena and laws of nature, Iancu identifies three categories of abstract ideas that fall under this umbrella.

“1. Mathematical concepts like mathematical relationships, formulas, and calculations.

2. Certain methods of organizing human interactions, such as fundamental economic practices; commercial and legal interactions; managing relationships or interactions between people; and advertising, marketing, and sales activities.

3. Mental processes, which are concepts performed in the human mind, such as forming an observation, evaluation, judgment, or opinion.”

The current climate of rapid innovation has exacerbated the confusion. “We are all currently grappling with the eligibility of all sorts of technology, from things like toys that communicate with one another, to computer virus screening; from computer databases, to methods of treating various diseases. Now I am not expressing any view as to the ultimate validity of any particular claims drawn to these technologies. Such claims, if they are actually ‘directed to’ math or laws of nature or some other matter that the Supreme Court said is per se ineligible, might perhaps fail under 101.

“But without more, why would such technology be deemed as ineligible by itself? The Supreme Court has never held such technology, by itself, to be prohibited. And why should it be?”

By letting the separate rejections speak for themselves, Iancu hopes to reign in these judicial exceptions and allow for worthy technology to gain protection. As he puts it, “I think that we can overcome the current Section 101 morass if we carefully follow Supreme Court precedent, if we don’t allow the judicial exceptions to swallow the entire statute, and if we allow the rest of the statutes (102, 103, 112) to do the work they were meant to do.”

For the full remarks made by Director Iancu, click here


Supreme Court Not Buying Helsinn On-Sale Argument

On Tuesday, December 4, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Helsinn Healthcare v. Teva Pharmaceuticals centered around the meaning of the phrase “On-Sale” under the AIA and whether the term was changed from the previous meaning.

Helsinn originally sued Teva for infringement of four patents relating to palonosetron dosages in chemotherapy treatments in the District of New Jersey. While the drug use was in testing and development, Helsinn entered into a License Agreement and a Supply and Purchase Agreement with MGI Pharma, Inc, which was binding as of April 6, 2001. It wasn’t until January 30, 2003 that Helsinn filed a provisional application on the dosage. All four of the patents claim priority to that application, raising the question of whether the Supply & Purchase Agreement constituted the dosages being “On Sale” as Prior Art under §102.

Three of the patents were filed between 2003 and 2006 and are governed under the pre-AIA “On Sale” interpretations, while one of the patents was filed in May of 2013 and is subject to the AIA language. Pre-AIA, patents were invalid if “the invention was patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country or in public use or on sale in this country, more than one year prior to the date of application for patent in the United States” under 35 U.S.C. 102. Under the AIA, patents are invalid if “the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention.” 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1).

The District Court found the three pre-AIA patents valid because by interpreting the MGI Agreement as a contract for a future sale once the idea was reduced to practice, rather than a sale at the time of enactment. They also found the AIA patent valid by interpreting the new language to require a public sale or offer for sale, while this Agreement was confidential between MGI and Helsinn. On appeal by Teva, the Federal Circuit reversed on all four patents, finding them all invalid due to a prior sale and also that the claims were ready for patenting prior to the critical date. Helsinn appealed.

Helsinn’s first argument was that “on sale” has always required public availability and the Agreement would not be prior art under either pre-AIA or AIA language. This argument centered on the idea that there is ambiguity about the meaning of the phrase “on sale” as to whether it means someone is actively seeking purchasers or merely requires an offer to at least one person. The idea here being that Helsinn’s private sale to MGI might not constitute being “on sale” whereas an open offer to prospective buyers at large would have.

In oral arguments, the justices seemed unconvinced of any such ambiguity. Justice Sotomayor objected to his alternative meaning of the phrase. “This [public] definition of ‘on sale,’ to be frank with you, I’ve looked at the history cited in the briefs, I looked at the cases, I don’t find it anywhere.” Meanwhile, Justice Kavanaugh commented that “it’s pretty hard to say something that has been sold was not on sale”.

Helsinn also argued that the AIA language’s inclusion of “or otherwise available to the public” meant that the preceding list of prior art forms must be ‘available to the public’ as well. This would indicate a new additional requirement from the previous iteration of §102 where the invention must be on sale to the public, eliminating the confidential Agreement as invalidating prior art.

Currently, the only change to the on sale requirement from pre-AIA to AIA was the new eligibility of sales abroad as prior art. Helsinn’s interpretation would change that, but so far the Court does not seem to be buying it.

PTAB Petitions Spike As BRI Era Closes

On October 10, 2018, the USPTO announced it would adopt the Phillips claim construction standard as of November 13, 2018. That means that as of yesterday, any petitions filed are no longer reviewed under the Broadest Reasonable Interpretation (BRI) standard that the PTAB had applied since its creation under the AIA. Instead, they will be reviewed under the Phillips standard for claim construction. For more information about the switch, read our post on the announcement here.

While the potential impacts of the change have been hotly debated, one month out from the announcement, we can be sure of one thing: Petitioners preferred BRI over Phillips. Over the 6 year history of the PTAB, there have been nearly 10 thousand petitions filed-an average of 121 per month, with a high of 237 in January of 2017.

In just 12 days this November, Petitioners filed at least 178 petitions, with a staggering 74+ coming the last day for BRI filings-November 12, 2018. That 178 petitions so far this November would already stand as the 8th highest month on record for filings before reaching the halfway point for the month.

It remains possible that the Phillips era may usher in even more filings in lieu of district court litigation and what impact the shift may have on the current 40% institution rate, but as of now Petitioners have given a final resounding endorsement of BRI.

The above statistics were obtained using the PostGrant Portal Insights feature, where you can find similar statistics and track individual proceedings, along with further searching capabilities.

USPTO Extends AFCP 2.0 Until September 30, 2019

The U.S. Patent Office announced that the After-Final Consideration Pilot 2.0 (AFCP 2.0) will be extended another year. Originally implemented in May 2013, the program allows for amendments and responses for the examiner’s consideration to be submitted after a Final Office Action has been sent. Prior to the implementation, applicants were limited to filing appeals or Requests for Continued Examination, both likely to be more costly options.

Of the thousands of AFCP requests submitted, approximately 25% have resulted in allowance, which, when combined with the usually lower cost of filing compared to alternatives, represents an intriguing option for those facing Final Rejections.[1] More information on the program is available at the PTO website here.

[1] https://blog.juristat.com/2017/7/12/do-afcp-20-requests-actually-work


Starting November 13, 2018, all IPR, PGR, and CBM proceedings will conduct their claim construction using the Phillips standard put forth by the Federal Circuit in 2005, turning away from the Broadest Reasonable Interpretation (BRI) standard it currently uses. This brings the PTAB in line with the Federal Courts and the ITC in examination standards.

Under BRI, claims are interpreted using the “broadest reasonable meaning of [a claim’s] words in their ordinary usage as they would be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art, taking into account whatever enlightenment by way of definitions or otherwise that may be afforded by the written description contained in the applicant’s specification.”[1] Under the Phillips standard, claims are given a narrower construction as “the meaning that the term would have to a person of ordinary skill in the art in question at the time of the invention.”[2]

Currently, there are about 150 petitions filed at the PTAB each month, with an institution rate of 40% over the last twelve months (statistics obtained using Insights at PostGrant Portal). It bears watching whether there will be a spike in filings at the PTAB this final month for petitioners who would prefer the BRI standard or a drop-off for those waiting for the new Phillips standard next month.

As Maier & Maier partner, Steve Kunin, explains here, the most significant impacts will not be felt in PTAB proceedings, but in District Court. “Practically speaking in most cases BRI and Phillips claim construction in PTAB AIA proceedings are not materially different; I see the real impact will be in district court proceedings when the patent owner is arguing for a narrow claim construction and can now point to the AIA trials as supporting the position.” Some petitioners may strategically wait for the new standard, as the PTAB construction would be given more deference with the newly aligned standards, and a narrower construction would prove useful in supporting a non-infringement argument.

[1] In re Morris, 127 F.3d 1048, 1054 (Fed. Cir. 1997).

[2] Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1313 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc).

Maier & Maier Partner Stephen G. Kunin Named ‘Best Lawyer’ for 2019

Best Lawyer Magazine has named it’s 2019 Best Lawyers in Washington, D.C., including Maier & Maier’s Stephen G. Kunin among its Intellectual Property Law recognitions.

Mr. Kunin’s illustrious career includes more than three decades at the United States Patent Office, spending one of those decades as the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy, and 13 years of private practice counseling clients and testifying as an expert in patent litigation cases. His work has earned him many notable awards including the Meritorious Executive Presidential Rank Award, The Vice President’s Reinventing Government Hammer Award, multiple Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals from the Department of Commerce, and a Career Achievement Award from the USPTO.

Mr. Kunin’s work has continued at Maier and Maier, where he provides opinions and expert testimony on all areas of patent law. His areas of expertise include post-issuance proceedings at the United States Patent Office, complex patent prosecution matters, patent litigation strategy, and United States Patent Office patent policy, practice and procedure.

This recognition from Best Lawyers for his continued work in IP comes after he was named one of Intellectual Property Today’s most influential people in IP law an “IP Star” by Managing Intellectual Property last May. The 2019 Best Lawyer recognition can be found here, while more information about Mr. Kunin and his practice at Maier & Maier is available here.

USPTO Addresses Expanded PTAB Panels With New Standard Operating Procedures

The USPTO’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) has issued two revisions to the Standard Operating Procedures with the stated goal of “increasing transparency, predictability, and reliability across the USPTO”.

The first, SOP 1, aims to provide clarity and certainty to the PTAB practice of expanded panels, which has come under criticism in recent years as “panel stacking”. The concern is over the possibility of the PTAB making strategic additions to Board Panels and targeting rehearing proceedings to sway the composition towards a desired outcome, which was even discussed amidst the recent Oil States proceedings in the Supreme Court.

In response to these concerns, the new procedures provide two key provisions: 1. a notice requirement and 2. a specific procedure for expanded panels.

Under the previous practice, the parties might not find out that there was an expanded panel until the decision was issued as there was no requirement to notify the parties. Not so anymore as SOP1 provides that the parties will be notified that the panel will be expanded and identify the Administrative Patent Judges who will be included on the expanded panel.

The updated procedures identify five parties who may suggest an expanded panel: Board members, patent applicants, petitioners, patent owners, and the Patent Business Unit. The Board members in the case submit their requests (or the requests they receive from one of the other eligible parties) along with reasoning (in the form of a  brief for an applicant’s, petitioner’s, or patent owner’s request) in the form of an email to PTABExpandedPanelRequest@uspto.gov. This account will be monitored and requests will be periodically brought to the Chief Judge for recommendation, and the Director for final approval.

It remains to be seen if these new procedures will do enough to curtail the concerns about the practice.

The second update, SOP2, creates a Precedential Opinion Panel (POP) at the PTAB which will “decide issues of exceptional importance” with “binding agency authority”. The POP will be composed of “Director, the Deputy Director, the Commissioner for Patents, the Commissioner for Trademarks, and the administrative patent judges.” The POP will review nominated routine decisions made by panels to designate them as precedential or informative as outlined in detail in the updated SOP. Anyone may nominate a decision to be precedential, and all nominations will be reviewed by a Screening committee before being presented to the POP.

The entirety of the PTAB’s Standard Operating Procedure and any updates thereto are available here.

Maier & Maier Mounts Yet Another Successful Defense at the PTAB

In their latest triumph at the PTAB, Maier & Maier PLLC has won a major victory for GREE, Inc. by securing a non-institution decision, overcoming 3 challenges to their social gaming patent asserted by Supercell Oy in PGR2018-0037.

The challenged patent (9,662,573) covers a method for controlling a server device, a server device, a computer-readable recording medium and a game system. Supercell challenged the patent on three grounds: §101, §112(a), and §112(b).

The PTAB denied institution of the challenge as to all of the claims.  The PTAB explained their decision on the §101 challenge, stating “we are unpersuaded by Petitioner’s argument that providing these sequential incentives, as claimed, was conventional and known in the prior art.”  The analysis goes on to emphasize that Supercell failed to provide evidence, such as expert testimony or contemporaneous prior art, and also failed to provide relevant case law or persuasive argument to support its contention. Meanwhile for the §112 challenges, Maier & Maier successfully demonstrated that the patent was “cast in clear—as opposed to ambiguous, vague, indefinite—terms” and that Supercell “offered no credible evidence to support its assertion”.

Since Maier & Maier showed that none of the asserted grounds for unpatentability demonstrated a reasonable likelihood of success, as discussed above, the PTAB issued a decision denying institution, dealing Supercell a serious blow in their ongoing patent litigation.

Oracle Corp. v. Click-to-Call Technologies LP

Under 315(b) of the AIA (America Invents Act), Inter Partes Review “may not be instituted if the petition requesting the proceeding is filed more than 1 year after the date on which the petitioner, real party in interest, or privy of the petitioner is served with a complaint alleging infringement of the patent.”[1] The Click-to-Call decision revolves around whether the time-bar applies when a complaint has been voluntarily dismissed without prejudice.

In 2001, the patent in this case, U.S. Pat # 5,818,836, had been exclusively licensed to Inforocket, who filed a patent infringement suit asserting the ‘836 patent against Ingenio (then under its previous name, Keen).[2] Ingenio then purchased Inforocket as a wholly-owned subsidiary, and the parties stipulated to dismiss the suit without prejudice.[3] Subsequently the ‘836 patent was acquired by Click-to-Call.  On May 29, 2012, Click-to-Call filed suit asserting the same ‘836 patent against a number of defendents, including Ingenio, leading to the filing of this IPR. [4]

In an opinion designated as precedential by the PTAB, the Board ruled that a voluntary dismissal of a suit creates an exception to the 315(b) time-bar. “The Federal Circuit consistently has interpreted the effect of such dismissals as leaving the parties as though the action had never been brought.”[5] Based on the premise that a voluntary dismissal serves to nullify the existence of a suit, the PTAB held that the one-year time limit for filing an IPR would be nullified along with it.

On appeal, the Federal Circuit disagreed and found that the PTAB committed legal error in its determination.  The Federal Circuit overturned the PTAB ruling. As the decision explains “the provision unambiguously precludes the Director from instituting an IPR if the petition seeking institution is filed more than one year after the petitioner, real party in interest, or privy of the petitioner ‘is served with a complaint’ alleging patent infringement. Simply put, § 315(b)’s time bar is implicated once a party receives notice through official delivery of a complaint in a civil action, irrespective of subsequent events.”[6]

Unlike the 2001 infringement complaint, the PTAB’s precedential time-bar decision has now been entirely nullified.

[1] 35 U.S.C. § 315(b)

[2] Oracle Corp. v. Click-to-Call Technologies LP, IPR2013-00312, Paper 26 at 14 (PTAB Oct. 13, 2013).

[3] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] Id at 17.

[6] Oracle Corp. v. Click-to-Call Technologies LP, Slip Op at 13 (CAFC Aug. 16, 2018).

USPTO Proposes Patent Fee Changes

The USPTO has published a Notice in the Federal Register of proposed patent fee changes for public comments.

The fee adjustments resulting from this effort will not be implemented until the January 2021 timeframe.  The proposed average five percent increase to fees is similar to fees rising by 1.6 percent annually over a three year period.

This proposal includes introduction of new fees, targeted adjustments to existing fees, and discontinuation of some fees.

New Fees

  1. One proposed new fee is a surcharge for filing in a non-DOCX format.  This will be a $400 fee, and will encourage applicants to use the DOCX format, and is intended to improve Office efficiency and future search capabilities.
  2. Another proposed new fee is an annual active patent practitioner fee of $340 (if filed electronically). Further, a discount will be offered to those who certify completion of continued legal education (CLE), reducing the fee to $240.
  3. A fee for non-registered practitioners to appear before the PTAB is proposed.

Adjustments to Existing Fees

  1. A significant increase (525%) to the surcharge for late payment of maintenance fees.  The fee is currently $160, but will be increased to $1000 for large entities.
  2. An increase from $900 to $2000 the fee to request expedited examination of a design application, to help the Office manage staffing for these services.
  3. Issue and maintenance fees will be restructured.  The current large entity maintenance fees are $1600 (3.5 years), $3600 (7.5 years), and $7400 (11.5 years), and the proposal increases them to $2000 (3.5 years), $3760 (7.5 years), and $7700 (11.5 years).
  4. Fees for America Invents Act (AIA) trials are proposed to increase by roughly 25% due to a variety of factors, including the Supreme Court decision in SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu.

Discontinuation of Fees

Fees related to obtaining copies of Patent Grant and Patent Application Publication TIFF Images or Full-Text W/Embedded Images will be eliminated and the Office will instead provide these services, in a slightly modified form (i.e. electronic), for free.

Below is a summary table of the common fees for a large entity to illustrate some of the proposed changes.

As seen below, total filing costs for a patent application (large entity) will increase $1720 increase to $1820.