Overcoming Sect. 101 Rejections: USPTO Guidance, Recent Decisions to Meet Sect. 101 Patent Eligibility Requirements

Maier & Maier is pleased to announce that distinguished partner, Stephen Kunin, presented a Strafford webinar, “Overcoming Sect. 101 Rejections: USPTO Guidance, Recent Decisions to Meet Sect. 101 Patent Eligibility Requirements” on Tuesday, August 16.  The webinar is available for purchase on the Strafford website: Here.

The USPTO has dramatically increased rejections under 35 USC 101 since the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank (2014). The panel reviewed case law, USPTO guidance, and offered response strategies for overcoming Section 101 rejections.

We encourage anyone interested in Section 101 issues at the USPTO to view the webinar.

Category: Firm News, General